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Recruitment Events: Registration | USC Gould School of Law


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Registration Closed

Registration for this event is currently closed, please see the event information below.

Registration Closed

Registration for this event is currently closed, there are no registration spaces available.
To be added to the waitlist or if you have questions please contact the USC Gould School of Law Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at or (213) 740-2523.
Event Information

Registrant Information

Numbers only; please do not include dashes, spaces, or other punctuation.

Guest Preference

Guest Information

You must provide a unique email address and mobile telephone number for each guest, do not reuse your information for your guests or provide the same information for multiple guests.

Numbers only; please do not include dashes, spaces, or other punctuation.

You must provide a unique email address and mobile telephone number for each guest, do not reuse your information for your guests or provide the same information for multiple guests.

Numbers only; please do not include dashes, spaces, or other punctuation.

You must provide a unique email address and mobile telephone number for each guest, do not reuse your information for your guests or provide the same information for multiple guests.

Numbers only; please do not include dashes, spaces, or other punctuation.