Through the submission of my application information, I hereby attest that all information is true.
I hereby apply for admission to the USC Gould ASCEND Pre-Law Summer Institute. I certify that all information provided is true and correct. I agree to provide, if requested, any official documentation necessary to verify the information provided. I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation on this form may result in cancellation of acceptance to the ASCEND Pre-Law Summer Institute, or if discovered after admission to the institute, may be grounds for dismissal.
I authorize the University to contact the colleges, universities, and employers indicated in my application and accompanying material to verify the accuracy of anything contained in the application and accompanying material. I understand that missing information may jeopardize the timely processing of my application.
If accepted to the ASCEND Pre-Law Summer Institute, I will participate fully in the program and abide by all the requirements of the program, including attending all sessions, workshops, special presentations and group events during the three-week program.
If accepted to the ASCEND Pre-Law Summer Institute, I grant permission to access and review my transcripts, Degree Progress Report and other academic documentation for counseling and statistical reporting purposes; and use my name, photograph, and image in various promotional materials (newsletters, website, brochures, etc.).